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    João do Rio was the pseudonym of the Brazilian journalist, short-story writer and playwright João Paulo Emilio Cristóvão dos Santos Coelho Barreto, a Brazilian author and journalist of African descent (August 5, 1881, Rio de Janeiro— June 23, 1921, Rio de Janeiro). He was elected on May 7, 1910 for the chair # 26 of Brazilian Academy of Letters.

    Son of Alfredo Coelho Barreto (a Mathematics teacher and positivist), and Florência dos Santos Barreto (housewife). Paulo Barreto was born in Hospício St., 284 (current Buenos Aires St., in Rio de Janeiro's downtown). He take classes of Portuguese language in the traditional Colégio São Bento (São Bento school) where started to exert his natural endowment for literature. At the age of 15, he was admitted in the National Gymnasium; today, Colégio D. Pedro II (D. Pedro II school).
    On June 1, 1899, with less than 18 years, he had a text published for the first time in a newspaper, A Tribuna. Signed with his own name, it was a review entitled Lucília Simões about the play A Doll's House of Ibsen, performed in Santana Theater (current Carlos Gomes Theater).

    Prolific writer, between 1900 and 1903 he collaborated under various pen names with some prominent publications of the time as O Paíz, O Dia (not the same newspaper of today), Correio Mercantil, ' O Tagarela and O Coió. In 1903, he is appointed by Nilo Peçanha for the newspaper Gazeta de Notícias, where he would stay until 1913. It was in this periodical that, on November 26, 1903 João Do Rio, his most famous pseudonym was born, signing an article called O Brasil Lê (Brazil Reads), an inquiry about the literary preferences of the Carioca reader. And, as indicated by Gomes (1996, p.44), "from this time forth, the name that fixes the literary identity swallows Paulo Barreto. Under this mask he will publish all his books and cultivates his fame. Next to the name, the name of the city".
    According to his biographers, Barreto represented the outgrowth of a new type of journalist in the Brazilian press of the beginning of the 20th century. Until then, the literary and journalistic practice by intellectuals was regarded as of little account, a lesser activity for people with many vacant hours (e.g., public servants). Paulo Barreto has moved the literary creation frontwards and started to live from this, using his pen names (more than ten) to attract various audiences.

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